Seminars on Human Rights

Human Rights College

This is a series of seminars mainly for residents in Kyoto City or Kyoto Prefecture, especially for those who are expected to work as a leader in various fields. In this course, participants can comprehensively learn human rights issues from lecturers including our researchers who play active role in various fields on human rights.

This series of seminars started in 1998, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Contents: lectures, workshops and fieldworks

Introducing volunteer tour guides on human rights

Since 2001, the Institute started to introduce volunteer tour guides who are certificated or trained by the institute to residents mainly in Kyoto City or Kyoto Prefecture. The tour guides show sightseeing spots including distinguished temples, prestigious Japanese gardens and historical sites with explanation from human rights perspective.

Delivery Lectures "DEMAE KOZA" for Human Rights Learning

Since 2009, the Institute's researchers have visited municipal or prefectural schools in Kyoto and given volunteer lectures regarding human rights to pupils or students.

Cooperation with Administrative Agencies

The institute cooperates with administrative agencies for engaging in enlightenment projects on human rights. In addition, the Institute helps to send lecturers to municipal or prefectural agencies.

Human Rights Library

Human Rights Library was established in 1994, the same year of the foundation of the Institute for the purpose of collection, preservation and dissemination of books concerning domestic or international human rights issues. The Library has extensive book collection and not only researchers but also residents in Kyoto City and Kyoto Prefecture can have access to the collection. The collection is composed of approx 20 thousand books, and effort is also made to collect other useful materials such as newsletters issued by human rights groups across Japan. The collection ranges various books from academic books to picture books, novels and comics.

Opening Hours Monday-Friday 10:00-17:00 (closed 12:00-13:00)
Service reading, reference, copy (charged), loan (general library members and supporting members)